The body is the heart of a spiritual intervention. It is your temple and God is what's in it, where it is worshipped and invoked.
'An imperfect or damaged temple doesn't have less God in it.'
Floss Murder can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. It can either be a post-punk band name for a bunch of crows (group of crows is called a murder) or it can be a sad story of a resentful crow which ends up killing himself by choking on a piece of embroidery floss mistaking it for a worm, but crows aren't that stupid to mistake a floss for a worm so it was definitely intentiontional but who knows.
The process of creating this art piece was to picture a sly familiarity with death using chalk pastels, watercolors and posco pen over a sprayed watercolor paper.
Floss Murder


Floss Murder


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